This miscellany collects a wealth of short writings from 1951 to the last piece Ellison wrote before his death in 2018.There are pieces from his high school newspaper, his college humor magazine, stories from the Fort Knox newspaper, bits and pieces from his editorship at Rogue magazine, obituaries, anecdotes, and convention ephemera from over 100 publications.
Soldier-Scribe Chronicles Key 10th AD Role in [World] War II (6 September 1957)
Candid Confessions of a General’s Driver (13 September 1957)
Armor School Celebrates 17th Birthday (29 September 1957)
McKie Course Gives Battlefield Flavor (18 October 1957)
No Fadeaway for This Old Soldier, a Three-War Vet (25 October 1957)
Night Ride (8 November 1957)
Camp Lejune Marines Ride Knox Tank (29 November 1957)
Girls Attend French Legion of Honor School (24 January 1958)
Knox Writers Guild Shows Progress (31 January 1958)
Two Experimental Gadgets Help Training, Cut Costs (21 February 1958)
Fort Knox Has Its Own Seer in Pvt. Taylor (31 October 1958)
The Staff of Life (7 November 1958)
Knox Boasts Sgt. and WAC Songwriters (14 November 1958)
Child Soprano Sings Difficult Opera Score (14 November 1958)
Wonder-Filled Christmas Opera Amahl and the Night Visitors & Has Quartet [of ] Sparkling Ballerinas as Well as Singers (28 November 1958)
As Amahl Speeds Towards Show Day (5 December 1958)
Big H-37 Choppers Arrive for Post Duty (19 December 1958)
Father of Five Calls for Help, Blood Needed (19 December 1958)
Amahl Critically: Opening Night Review (19 December 1958)
True Yule Spirit Drops from Sky for Ky. Orphans (26 December 1958)
The Rogue Ellison
Vol. 4 #6 (August 1959)
A Weak Link in the Lineage
Always True in Her Fashion
Vol. 4 #7 (September 1959)
The Purveyor of Silence
Plastic-Puss and Like Wow!
Vol 4 #8 (November 1959)
Big in the Body
Chekhov’s Mantle
Vol 4 #9 (December 1959)
Rogue Notes
To Clean the Slums
View from Purgatory
Public Mash Note
Vol. 5 #1 ( January 1960)
Rogue Notes
Pickow’s Women
Motivational Non-Mogul
Variationist with Gut and Go
Bon Vivant in a Brim
Ellington Plays Strayhorn
Rogue’s Two-Year Plan: New Concepts
Vol. 5 #2 (March 1960)
Rogue Notes
Vegas Oriental: Sandalwood & Jade
Rogue Picks the Top Djs
Part One: the Midwest
This Month
Off-Broadway 1960
Vol. 5 #3 (April 1960)
Rogue Notes
Rogue’s DJ Survey Part Two: The West
Vol. 5 #4 ( June 1960)
Rogue Notes
Rogue’s DJ Survey Conclusion: the South & East
Vol. 5 #5 (August 1960)
Rogue Notes
Bill of Fare, U. S. A.
Killer Diller
Mathematician, Slightly Mad
The Elegiac Ellison
In Memoriam: Gerald Kersh, from Nebula Award Stories Four, edited by Poul Anderson (1969)
Hans Stefan Santesson: 1914–1975, from Locus #170 (15 March 1975)
Remembering Leo (1978)
For The Comics Journal #93 to be used in news item on death of Phil Seuling (22 August 1984)
Gaughan’s Gone (1985)
John D.—Some Final Thoughts, from Mystery Scene Reader,
edited by Bill Pronzini (1987)
Last Words About Terry Carr, from Terry’s Universe,
edited by Beth Meacham (1988)
Contribution to “Isaac Asimov: A Tribute” in Doubleday Magazine for Book Lovers Vol. 2, No. 1 (Feb–May 1993)
An Appreciation [of Robert Bloch], from Locus #406 (November 1994)
A. E. van Vogt: 1912–2000, from Rabbit Hole #24 (Spring 2000)
Bill Dignin: 1937–2000, from Rabbit Hole #24 (Spring 2000)
Gordon Dickson, from Locus #482 (March 2001)
Jenna Felice: a Few Words, from Locus #483 (April 2001)
Poul Anderson, from Locus #486 (September 2001)
Piglet: A Memento of Geo. Gone, from Rabbit Hole #31 (Summer 2002)
Jacques Chambon, from Locus #509 (June 2003)
Softly: a Living Legend Passes by Harlan Ellison® with Brian M. Thomsen, from Comics Buyer’s Guide #1581 (5 March 2004)
The Scorpion King Takes His Leave, Chis Bunch obituary from Locus #535 (August 2005)
The Last Tuckerism, from Locus #550 (November 2006)
[Jack Williamson tribute], a full page from Locus #551 (December 2006)
Note on Algis Budrys’s memorial website (12 June 2008)
A Few Painfully Inadequate Words on the Death of Jack Vance, from Locus #630 (July 2013)
In Memoriam: Ed Bryant, from Locus (February 2017)
A Tribute to Ursula K. Le Guin, from Locus (24 January 2018)
The Contributory Ellison
Criticism: Who Needs It?, published by SFWA (1968)
The Double-Bill Symposium, edited by Bill Mallardi and Bill Bowers (1969)
“Story at Bay” by Perry A. Chapdelaine in Science Fiction Review (April 1970)
“Dangerous Jizm” in Citadel (1976)
“Celebrities Speak Out on Porn” in Hustler (April 1977)
“Fantasies of the Famous!” in Playgirl (July 1977)
“The Opinion Register” in Moneysworth
Starlog #24 (July 1979) / Second Anniversary
More Reports: The Official Publication of Mammoth (December 1980)
Starlog #48 (July 1981) / Fifth Anniversary
“My Favorite Books About LA” by Sally Goll in Los Angeles (October 1983)
“Shocked Futurists Insist We Must Keep Going” by Mitchell Fink in the Los Angeles Herald Examiner (29 January 1986)
“My Favorite Place in LA” from Los Angeles Vol. 31, No. 4 (April 1986)
“The Real Fahrenheit 451” by Marion Long, from Omni, Vol. 9 No. 5 (February 1987)
“It Was the Perfect Crime” in Omni, Vol. 9 No. 8 (May 1987)
Writing for Television edited by Stuart M. Kaminsky and Mark Walker (1988)
New York Post (30 October 1988)
“People of Note Pay Homage to the Batman” from Detective Comics #598 (March 1989)
The Complete Guide to Writing Fiction edited by Barnaby Conrad (1990)
Friendly Advice, edited by Jon Winokur (1990)
“What I’ll Do If Things Get Worse!” by Michael Szymanski, from Los Angeles Vol. 36 #1 (January 1991)
The Portable Curmudgeon Redux, edited by Jon Winokur (1992)
True Confessions, edited by Jon Winokur (1992)
Fathers, edited by Jon Winokur (1993)
The Rich Are Different, edited by Jon Winokur (Oct 1996)
Reply to Paul Bernstein of Los Angeles magazine’s query, “Read any good books lately?” (prior to 1997, unpublished?)
Advice to Writers, edited by Jon Winokur (9 May 1999)
The Sandman Companion: A Dreamer’s Guide to the Award-Winning Comics Series by Hy Bender (1999)
“My Chat with an Internet Shoplifter” from Comics Buyer’s Guide (30 March 2001)
“Best Books Chosen by…Harlan Ellison” from The Week, Vol. 1 #35 7–14 December 2001 (reprinted in 2002 supplement)
A Pound of Paper: Confessions of a Book Addict by John Baxter (2002)
“On Getting a Playboy Bounce” from The Write Book, edited by Bob Perlongo (2002)
The unConventional Ellison
Dreamsellers: a brief statement for the KWest•Con program booklet
27 October 1984 letter to Albacon ’85
Ellison Unfrocked, from the Mad Media 5 program book (25–27 September 1998)
A Few Words of Greeting from Our Incredibly Charming Guest of Honor…Harlan Ellison, from the Heroes ’99 convention program (18–20 June 1999)
Harlan Ellison: My First Encounter with/by Harlan Ellison, from the Mad Con 2001 program book (26–28 October 2001).
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