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Harlan Ellison Books Preservation Project Kickstarter Quartet – Four Trade Paperbacks


These are the four books published for backers of The Harlan Ellison Books Preservation Project Kickstarter, which I launched in 2016.

When the books were printed in 2019, I ordered a 5% overrun to insure against books mishandled by the printers, in transit to me, or after being shipped to the Kickstarter backers. (Half the copies of two of the titles were also lost by UPS, forcing me to order duplicates of those volumes, so they exist in excess of the 5%. Most of the original cartons eventually arrived months later, though at least one box never did.)

The original plan was to offer these titles to people who purchased the entire Edgeworks Abbey Archive library, but Susan Ellison’s death derailed that scenario.

Now that 99% of the project’s backers have responded over the last five years and received their rewards, I’m selling off the excess copies, per my agreement with the Ellisons.

Some of the copies have cosmetic damage, so I will fulfill the earliest orders with the best copies.

1 in stock

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FREE U.S. SHIPPING – Please contact me for international purchases.

All four volumes are included!


DIMENSIONS OF HARLAN ELLISON collects early, mostly never-before-republished stories like “Luna,” “Trapping the Beast,” “The Beer Campaign,” “The Lost Atomic,” “Abnormality,” “Plague Planet,” “The Annals of Aardvark,” “The Long Episode,” “Situation Scarlet,” “Surprise Package,” “Seven at Fifty Third,” “Swamp Dust,” “The Game of Chance,” “Saboteur: Symbiote,” “Vista,” “Cherches le Message,” and “Detour,” plus “A Walk Around the Block” and “Hardcover” along with an early version of “Mealtime” (then titled “Green Denouement”). Combined with a healthy dose of Harlan’s non-fiction writing from a dozen or so fanzines (and a few parodies from his college humor magazine), this book represents the most complete account of the Ellison’s pre-professional writing career; I probably should have titled it THE AMATEUR ELLISON.
Edited by Jason Davis.
Cover drawing by Harlan Ellison.
Green Denouement
Trapping the Beast
The Beer Campaign
The Lost Atomic
The Ultimate Fanzine
The Logical Insanity
What S-F Means to Me
Plague Planet
Not That Again!
General Consensus
Birdbath to Bulbofagg
The Annals of Aardvark
Why I Hate Lynn Hickman, Boy Fan
The Long Episode
Is the World Ready?
Situation Scarlet
Surprise Package
The Pot o’ Gold
My Gun Is Rusty
The Attack on Alcidi El Boal
Seven on 53rd
The Game of Chance
Where Was I?
Saboteur Symbiote
Come Back, Little Birdbath…a tragedy
Swamp Dust
On the Garbage Front
Cherchez le Message
A Walk Around the Block
Is Science Fiction Literature?
6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 140 pp. ISBN: 978-1-946542-02-1.
THE ELLISON TREATMENT contains never-before-published storylines for Ripcord (the other ideas pitched alongside Harlan’s first produced screen credit), Route 66 (including a story inspired by Harlan’s time as associate editor of the men’s magazine Rogue), The Untouchables (based on the same events that inspired his Babylon 5 story, “Objects at Rest”), The Name of the Game (mentioned at length within The Glass Teat columns), and material developed while Harlan was the story editor of The Sixth Sense anthology series (“I spent seven weeks in a death cell at Universal, and if you are all good little boys and girls, and if the maggots don’t get into the marmalade so the dog gets the flashes when he sneaks into the jar, Uncle Wiggily will tell you all about how horrendous a steady job in tv can be before one flees shrieking in terror from $1250 a week.”).
But wait, there’s more! THE ELLISON TREATMENT also boasts “The Darkness Behind Their Eyes,” Harlan’s proposed Alfred Hitchcock Hour follow-up to “Memos from Purgatory,” which has a substantial amount of research behind it–the tapes still exist–and is utterly chilling. Have I mentioned “Eight Bombs in Search of a Target” yet? That’s one Harlan exhumed from his files a few years ago, with an idea to further developing beyond this 1963 treatment. Then there’s Amos Burke, Secret Agent, the ill-fated attempt to dress Gene Barry in Robert Vaughn’s spy getup. On the feature-length side of the equation, we have the cinematic adaptation of the novella RUN FOR THE STARS, which was to have been an AIP production starring Jack Palance—according to Harlan’s treatment—as Beno Tallant, and—back on the small screen—there’s The Land of the Lost outline (well, ⅔ of an outline) for story editor David Gerrold, and even the Duck Tales comicbook story co-plotted by Harlan & Susan Ellison (the latter, of course, well known as the author of a segment of Dinosaucers).
Edited by Jason Davis.
Edited by Jason Davis.
Ripcord: Four Premises
Empire: A Coat-Tail Ride Is the Smoothest Ride
Airport: An Ivory Mischief, a Silent Deceit
Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Ormond Always Pays His Bills
The Untouchables: No More Saints
The Great Adventure: Eight Bombs in Search of a Target
Route 66: One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty (Not based on Ellison’s short story of the same title.)
Route 66: The Girl in the Spinning Glass Globe
The Dick Powell Show: All That Glitters
Run for the Stars – Film Treatment for AIP
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: The Darkness Behind Their Eyes
Honey West: Mrs. Pigsfoot
Amos Burke, Secret Agent: In the Valley of the Winds
The Name of the Game: The Whimper of Whipped Dogs
The Sixth Sense: Salamander
The Super: The Star
Land of the Lost: The Guardians of the Pit
Duck Tales: The Fowlness at the Center of the Earth!
6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 140 pp. ISBN: 978-1-946542-04-5.
THE EPHEMERAL ELLISON contains the most obscure Ellisonia ever collected in one volume. From Harlan’s high school newspaper column (The Magnifying Glass) to obituaries-in-brief (mostly from the last decade or so of Locus), this miscellany—undertaken only because Tim Richmond’s superlative bibliography, FINGERPRINTS ON THE SKY, provided the road map (or off-road map, in this case)—attempts to gather in one place all the bits and pieces of Harlan’s writing career that would ordinarily fall through the cracks: articles from Inside the Turret (the Fort Knox newspaper, whereat Harlan worked while serving in the U.S. Army), uncredited editorial contributions to Rogue (including a profile of Stanley Kubrick, among others), contributions to various SFWA publications, brief tributes and appreciations from convention programs over the years, submissions to other authors’ articles (i. e. “My Favorite Books About LA” by Sally Goll from the October 1983 issue of Los Angeles or “The Real Fahrenheit 451” by Marion Long from the February 1987 Omni or “Celebrities Speak Out on Porn” from the April 1977 issue of Hustler). If it’s too obscure to be preserved for posterity, I’ve ignored posterity’s protestations and preserved it anyway. This one kind of sums up the Harlan Ellison Books Preservation Project for me.
Edited by Jason Davis.
Cover photograph by Roddy McDowall.
This miscellany collects a wealth of short writings from 1951 to the last piece Ellison wrote before his death in 2018.There are pieces from his high school newspaper, his college humor magazine, stories from the Fort Knox newspaper, bits and pieces from his editorship at Rogue magazine, obituaries, anecdotes, and convention ephemera from over 100 publications.
The Educated Ellison
The Magnifying Glass from The Blue and Gold
10 October 1951
24 October 1951
7 November 1951
5 December 1951
19 December 1951
13 February 1952
26 March 1952
9 April 1952
30 April 1952
14 May 1952
28 May 1952
24 September 1952
8 October 1952
“One Kid’s Kwestion: Gets Replies
from The Sundial
First Run Interviews with Men of Our Times
Astigmatism and Assassination; Television Then and Now
The Enlisted Ellison
from Inside the Turret
Soldier-Scribe Chronicles Key 10th AD Role in [World] War II (6 September 1957)
Candid Confessions of a General’s Driver (13 September 1957)
Armor School Celebrates 17th Birthday (29 September 1957)
McKie Course Gives Battlefield Flavor (18 October 1957)
No Fadeaway for This Old Soldier, a Three-War Vet (25 October 1957)
Night Ride (8 November 1957)
Camp Lejune Marines Ride Knox Tank (29 November 1957)
Girls Attend French Legion of Honor School (24 January 1958)
Knox Writers Guild Shows Progress (31 January 1958)
Two Experimental Gadgets Help Training, Cut Costs (21 February 1958)
Fort Knox Has Its Own Seer in Pvt. Taylor (31 October 1958)
The Staff of Life (7 November 1958)
Knox Boasts Sgt. and WAC Songwriters (14 November 1958)
Child Soprano Sings Difficult Opera Score (14 November 1958)
Wonder-Filled Christmas Opera Amahl and the Night Visitors & Has Quartet [of ] Sparkling Ballerinas as Well as Singers (28 November 1958)
As Amahl Speeds Towards Show Day (5 December 1958)
Big H-37 Choppers Arrive for Post Duty (19 December 1958)
Father of Five Calls for Help, Blood Needed (19 December 1958)
Amahl Critically: Opening Night Review (19 December 1958)
True Yule Spirit Drops from Sky for Ky. Orphans (26 December 1958)
The Rogue Ellison
Vol. 4 #6 (August 1959)
A Weak Link in the Lineage
Always True in Her Fashion
Vol. 4 #7 (September 1959)
The Purveyor of Silence
Plastic-Puss and Like Wow!
Vol 4 #8 (November 1959)
Big in the Body
Chekhov’s Mantle
Vol 4 #9 (December 1959)
Rogue Notes
To Clean the Slums
View from Purgatory
Public Mash Note
Vol. 5 #1 ( January 1960)
Rogue Notes
Pickow’s Women
Motivational Non-Mogul
Variationist with Gut and Go
Bon Vivant in a Brim
Ellington Plays Strayhorn
Rogue’s Two-Year Plan: New Concepts
Vol. 5 #2 (March 1960)
Rogue Notes
Vegas Oriental: Sandalwood & Jade
Rogue Picks the Top Djs
Part One: the Midwest
This Month
Off-Broadway 1960
Vol. 5 #3 (April 1960)
Rogue Notes
Rogue’s DJ Survey Part Two: The West
Vol. 5 #4 ( June 1960)
Rogue Notes
Rogue’s DJ Survey Conclusion: the South & East
Vol. 5 #5 (August 1960)
Rogue Notes
Bill of Fare, U. S. A.
Killer Diller
Mathematician, Slightly Mad
The Elegiac Ellison
In Memoriam: Gerald Kersh, from Nebula Award Stories Four, edited by Poul Anderson (1969)
Hans Stefan Santesson: 1914–1975, from Locus #170 (15 March 1975)
Remembering Leo (1978)
For The Comics Journal #93 to be used in news item on death of Phil Seuling (22 August 1984)
Gaughan’s Gone (1985)
John D.—Some Final Thoughts, from Mystery Scene Reader,
edited by Bill Pronzini (1987)
Last Words About Terry Carr, from Terry’s Universe,
edited by Beth Meacham (1988)
Contribution to “Isaac Asimov: A Tribute” in Doubleday Magazine for Book Lovers Vol. 2, No. 1 (Feb–May 1993)
An Appreciation [of Robert Bloch], from Locus #406 (November 1994)
A. E. van Vogt: 1912–2000, from Rabbit Hole #24 (Spring 2000)
Bill Dignin: 1937–2000, from Rabbit Hole #24 (Spring 2000)
Gordon Dickson, from Locus #482 (March 2001)
Jenna Felice: a Few Words, from Locus #483 (April 2001)
Poul Anderson, from Locus #486 (September 2001)
Piglet: A Memento of Geo. Gone, from Rabbit Hole #31 (Summer 2002)
Jacques Chambon, from Locus #509 (June 2003)
Softly: a Living Legend Passes by Harlan Ellison® with Brian M. Thomsen, from Comics Buyer’s Guide #1581 (5 March 2004)
The Scorpion King Takes His Leave, Chis Bunch obituary from Locus #535 (August 2005)
The Last Tuckerism, from Locus #550 (November 2006)
[Jack Williamson tribute], a full page from Locus #551 (December 2006)
Note on Algis Budrys’s memorial website (12 June 2008)
A Few Painfully Inadequate Words on the Death of Jack Vance, from Locus #630 (July 2013)
In Memoriam: Ed Bryant, from Locus (February 2017)
A Tribute to Ursula K. Le Guin, from Locus (24 January 2018)
The Contributory Ellison
Criticism: Who Needs It?, published by SFWA (1968)
The Double-Bill Symposium, edited by Bill Mallardi and Bill Bowers (1969)
“Story at Bay” by Perry A. Chapdelaine in Science Fiction Review (April 1970)
“Dangerous Jizm” in Citadel (1976)
“Celebrities Speak Out on Porn” in Hustler (April 1977)
“Fantasies of the Famous!” in Playgirl (July 1977)
“The Opinion Register” in Moneysworth
Starlog #24 (July 1979) / Second Anniversary
More Reports: The Official Publication of Mammoth (December 1980)
Starlog #48 (July 1981) / Fifth Anniversary
“My Favorite Books About LA” by Sally Goll in Los Angeles (October 1983)
“Shocked Futurists Insist We Must Keep Going” by Mitchell Fink in the Los Angeles Herald Examiner (29 January 1986)
“My Favorite Place in LA” from Los Angeles Vol. 31, No. 4 (April 1986)
“The Real Fahrenheit 451” by Marion Long, from Omni, Vol. 9 No. 5 (February 1987)
“It Was the Perfect Crime” in Omni, Vol. 9 No. 8 (May 1987)
Writing for Television edited by Stuart M. Kaminsky and Mark Walker (1988)
New York Post (30 October 1988)
“People of Note Pay Homage to the Batman” from Detective Comics #598 (March 1989)
The Complete Guide to Writing Fiction edited by Barnaby Conrad (1990)
Friendly Advice, edited by Jon Winokur (1990)
“What I’ll Do If Things Get Worse!” by Michael Szymanski, from Los Angeles Vol. 36 #1 (January 1991)
The Portable Curmudgeon Redux, edited by Jon Winokur (1992)
True Confessions, edited by Jon Winokur (1992)
Fathers, edited by Jon Winokur (1993)
The Rich Are Different, edited by Jon Winokur (Oct 1996)
Reply to Paul Bernstein of Los Angeles magazine’s query, “Read any good books lately?” (prior to 1997, unpublished?)
Advice to Writers, edited by Jon Winokur (9 May 1999)
The Sandman Companion: A Dreamer’s Guide to the Award-Winning Comics Series by Hy Bender (1999)
“My Chat with an Internet Shoplifter” from Comics Buyer’s Guide (30 March 2001)
“Best Books Chosen by…Harlan Ellison” from The Week, Vol. 1 #35 7–14 December 2001 (reprinted in 2002 supplement)
A Pound of Paper: Confessions of a Book Addict by John Baxter (2002)
“On Getting a Playboy Bounce” from The Write Book, edited by Bob Perlongo (2002)
The unConventional Ellison
Dreamsellers: a brief statement for the KWest•Con program booklet
27 October 1984 letter to Albacon ’85
Ellison Unfrocked, from the Mad Media 5 program book (25–27 September 1998)
A Few Words of Greeting from Our Incredibly Charming Guest of Honor…Harlan Ellison, from the Heroes ’99 convention program (18–20 June 1999)
Harlan Ellison: My First Encounter with/by Harlan Ellison, from the Mad Con 2001 program book (26–28 October 2001).
6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 142 pp. ISBN: 978-1-946542-03-8.
THIS BOOK NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION BY HARLAN ELLISON because it is a book of nothing but introductions (and–to be fair–a few afterwords, prefaces, and similar such front- and back-matters). Given that I’ve published so many non-fiction collections filled with various Ellison introductions, you may well wonder, “What qualifies an intro to end up in this book rather than, say, FOE: Friends of Ellison or WHY DO YOU CALL ME ISHMAEL WHEN YOU KNOW MY NAME IS BERNIE?” This book is pretty much comprised of introductions that aren’t terribly standalone, the sort of introductions where Harlan specifically discussed the content of whatever he was introducing in such a way that the reader might be annoyed at not being able to turn to page forty-five to see the picture Harlan just described.
Yes, THIS BOOK NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION BY HARLAN ELLISON can be an annoying book in that respect, but this is a Preservation Project–we’re going to have to annoy someone! What sort of introductions are we talking here? We’re talking “lost” introductions to Ellison books like SPACEMAN ALONE (the book was never published), A TOUCH OF INFINITY (the book has never been reprinted), the second and third volumes of the paperback edition of DANGEROUS VISIONS, the UK-only collection TIME OF THE EYE, THE ILLUSTRATED ELLISON, the Swedish collection ENSAMVÄRK OCH ANDRA BERÄTTELSER (which incorporates the intro to the omnibus collection DREAMS WITH SHARP TEETH), JOKES WITHOUT PUNCHLINES (which borders on illegible in the printed version), and the Estonian collection KOLETIS, KES KUULUTAS ARMASTUST MAAILMA SÜDAMES. There are also introductions to bookby Gerald Kersh, Richard E. Geis, Michael Perkins, James Sutherland, Arthur Byron Cover, Terry Carr, Bruce Sterling, Richard A. Lupoff, Terry Dowling, Roberta Lannes, Jacques Futrelle, and a handful of artists Harlan admired. If you’re one of those people who pitch Ellison books to your friends by saying, “Harlan’s introductions are even better than his stories,” this is the one for you.
Edited by Jason Davis.
Cover photographs by Jacques Chambon.
Context on the Lack of Context by Jason Davis
(Definitely Not an) Introduction to THE MIRROR OF NIGHT
A Word About Individuality
How I Got Sick
Kersh, the Demon Prince
Postscript to THE RAVISHED
Postscript to THE TOUR: Hell’s Heated Vacancies
Introduction to DANGEROUS VISIONS, Volume 2
Introduction to DANGEROUS VISIONS, Volume 3
Introduction, in Brief, to THE TIME OF THE EYE
Gale Warning
The ΦΨΩ of ABC
Nice Guys Finish Somewhere in the Middle
A Fineness of 0.995
Sailing the Dark with the Bentfin Boomer Bappa Zappa Kid
Introducing Doctor Who
Introduction to WORMWOOD
Good Morning, Sweden; I Am Not Hans Christian Andersen
Good Morning, Russia; I Am Not Korney Ivanovich Chukovski
Approximately 660 Words of Greeting Translated into the Estonian Language, a Member of the Finno-Ugric Branch of the Uralic Language Family
Introduction to “The Human Chair”
Introduction to PATRON OF THE ARTS
Introduction to Jacques Futrelle’s THE THINKING MACHINE
The Short, Sad Miracle of Jessie Thompson
6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 140 pp. ISBN: 978-1-946542-05-2


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