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Books as Author

Writing The X-Files: Interviews with Chris Carter, Frank Spotnitz, Vince Gilligan, John Shiban, and Howard Gordon

Writing The X-Files (Deny Everything, 2016)
ISBN: 9781523771134

The Babylon 5 Encyclopedia (Publishing 180, 2018)
Two-Volume, Signature Edition ISBN: 9781630770068
One-Volume Paperback Edition ISBN: 9781630770549

Crusade Encyclopedia: Cusade-Related Entries from the Babylon 5 Encyclopedia (Publishing 180, 2022)
ISBN: 9781630770730

The Making of Babylon 5, Volumes 1–4 (forthcoming)

Books as Editor

Straczynski, J. Michael. Babylon 5: The Scripts of J. Michael Straczynski, TV Movies (Synthetic Worlds, 2009)
ISBN: 9781630770235

Obama, Barack. Inspire a Nation: Barack Obama’s Most Electrifying Speeches from Day One of His Campaign Through His Inauguration (Publishing 180, 2009) ISBN: 9780982100530

Straczynski, J. Michael. Asked & Answered: Part 1 (Synthetic Worlds, 2009)
ISBN: 9781630770617

Straczynski, J. Michael. Asked & Answered: Part 2 (Synthetic Worlds, 2009)
ISBN: 9781630770624

Straczynski, J. Michael. Asked & Answered: Part 3 (Synthetic Worlds, 2009)
ISBN: 9781630770631

Straczynski, J. Michael. Asked & Answered: Part 4 (Synthetic Worlds, 2009)
ISBN:  9781630770648

Straczynski, J. Michael. Asked & Answered: Part 5 (Synthetic Worlds, 2009)
ISBN: 9781630770655

Nazzaro, Joe. Crusade: Behind the Scenes (Publishing 180, 2010/2022)
Paperback ISBN: 9781630770372; Hardcover ISBN: 9781630770693

Straczynski, J. Michael. Crusade: What the Hell Happened? Volume 1 (Synthetic Worlds, 2010/2023)
Paperback ISBN: (1st Ed) 9780982100554; (2nd Ed) 9781630771362; Hardback ISBN: 9781630770754

Straczynski, J. Michael. Babylon 5: Artifacts from Beyond the Rim (Synthetic Worlds, 2010)
ISBN: 9781630770310

Avery, Fiona (et al). Crusade: Other Voices, Volume 1 (Publishing 180, 2011/2022)
Paperback ISBN: 9781630770396; Hardcover ISBN: 9781603770716

Avery, Fiona (et al). Crusade: Other Voices, Volume 2 (Publishing 180, 2011/2022)
Paperback ISBN: 9781630770402; Hardback ISBN: 9781630770723

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies: The Original Teleplays of Harlan Ellison, Volume 1 (Edgeworks Abbey, 2011)
Babylonian Limited Edition ISBN: 9780983622307; Standard Edition ISBN: 9780983622314

Tallman, Patricia. Pleasure Thresholds: Patricia Tallman’s Babylon 5 Memoir (Publishing 180, 2011)
ISBN: 9780982100523

Ellison, Harlan. Harlan 101: Encountering Ellison. (Edgeworks Abbey, 2011)
ISBN: 9780983622338

Ellison, Harlan. The Sound of a Scythe and Three Brilliant Novellas (Edgeworks Abbey, 2011)
ISBN: 9780983622345

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies: The Original Teleplays of Harlan Ellison, Volume 2 (Edgeworks Abbey, 2011)
ISBN: 9780983622321

Jones, Terry (et al). Across Time and Space: The Chronologies of Babylon 5 — Revised Edition (Synthetic Worlds, 2012) [NOTE: Editorial consultant.]
ISBN: 9781630770280

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations, Volume 1 (Publishing 180, 2012)
ISBN: 9780982100523

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations, Volume 2 (Publishing 180, 2012) 
ISBN: 9781630770426

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations, Volume 3 (Publishing 180, 2012)
ISBN: 9780982100592

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations, Volume 4 (Publishing 180, 2012)
ISBN: 9780982100516

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations, Volume 5 (Publishing 180, 2012)
ISBN: 9780982100509

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations, Volume 6 (Publishing 180, 2012)
ISBN: 9780982100578

Davis, Jason (editor). Echoes of All Our Conversations Companion (Publishing 180, 2012)

Ellison, Harlan. Rough Beasts: Stories I Wrote Before I Got Up to Speed (Edgeworks Abbey, 2012)
ISBN: 9780983622352

Ellison, Harlan. None of the Above: A Screenplay (Edgeworks Abbey, 2012) 
ISBN: 9780983622369

Straczynski, J. Michael. Babylon 5: The Scripts of J. Michael Straczynski, Volume 2.5 (Synthetic Worlds, 2013)
ISBN: 9781630770082

Davis, Jason (editor). Babylon 5 at Twenty: A Visual Celebration (Publishing 180, 2013)
ISBN: 9781627769280  

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies: The Original Teleplays of Harlan Ellison, Volume 3 (Edgeworks Abbey, 2013)
Birthday Edition ISBN: 9780983622376; Standard Edition ISBN: 9780989525701

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies: The Original Teleplays of Harlan Ellison, Volume 4 (Edgeworks Abbey, 2013)
Birthday Edition ISBN: 9780983622383; Standard Edition ISBN: 9780989525718

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies: The Original Teleplays of Harlan Ellison, Volume 5 (Edgeworks Abbey, 2013)
ISBN: 9780983622390

Ellison, Harlan. Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word (Edgeworks Abbey, 2013)
ISBN: 9780989525725

Nazzaro, Joe. Highlights from Echoes of All Our Conversations (Publishing 180, 2014)
ISBN: 9781630770013

Straczynski, J. Michael. Highlights from the Babylon 5 Scripts of J. Michael Straczynski (Synthetic Worlds, 2014)
ISBN: 9781630770006

Barkin, Haskell. The Heimlich and Other Maneuvers: A Comic Novel (Nonpareil Press, 2014)
ISBN: 9780985267704

Straczynski, J. Michael. Babylon 5: Encounters with J. Michael Straczynski Archived by the Great Machine of Epsilon 3 (Synthetic Worlds, 2014)
ISBN: 9781630770532

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies: The Original Teleplays of Harlan Ellison, Volume 6 (Edgeworks Abbey, 2014)
ISBN: 9780989525763

Ellison, Susan (editor). 8 in 80 by Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey, 2014) [NOTE: Series editor.]
ISBN: 9780989525749

Ellison, Harlan. Again, Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word (Edgeworks Abbey, 2014)
ISBN: 9780989525756

Ellison, Harlan. Harlan Ellison’s Endlessly Watching (Edgeworks Abbey, 2014)
ISBN: 9780989525770

Davis, Jason (editor). Babylon 5: The Fan Experience — Space City Con: 2014 (Publishing 180, 2014)
ISBN: 9781630770037

Davis, Jason (editor). Babylon 5: The Fan Experience — Phoenix Comicon: 2013 (Publishing 180, 2014)
ISBN: 9781630770037

Ellison, Harlan. Ellison Wonderland: The 52nd Anniversary Edition (PS Publishing, 2015) [NOTE: Copyeditor only.]
ISBN: 9781848636774

Davis, Jason (editor). Babylon 5: The Cast Reunions (Publishing 180, 2015)
ISBN: 9781630770600

Ellison, Harlan. Can & Can’tankerous (Subterranean Press, 2015 / Edgeworks Abbey, 2016)
Limited-Edition Hardcover ISBN: 9781596067639; Trade Hardcover ISBN: 9781596067516; Trade Paperback ISBN: 9780989525732

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies: The Original Teleplays of Harlan Ellison, Volume 7 (Edgeworks Abbey, 2016)
Limited Edition ISBN: 9780989525794; Standard Edition ISBN: 9781946542014

Ellison, Harlan. The Last Person to Marry a Duck Lived 300 Years Ago: Pointed Essays (Edgeworks Abbey, 2016)
Limited Edition ISBN: 9780989525787; Standard Edition ISBN: 9781946542007

Ellison, Harlan. Blood’s a Rover (Subterranean Press, 2018)
Limited Edition Hardcover ISBN: 9781596068681

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies: The Original Teleplays of Harlan Ellison, Volume 8 (Edgeworks Abbey, 2019)
ISBN: 9781946542069

Ellison, Harlan. Brain Movies presents Blood’s a Rover (Edgeworks Abbey, 2019)
ISBN: 9781946542076

Ellison, Harlan. FOE: Friends of Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey, 2019)
ISBN: 9781946542090

Ellison, Harlan. Why Do You Call Me Ishmael When You Know My Name Is Bernie? Ominfarious Essays (Edgeworks Abbey, 2019)
ISBN: 9781946542083

Ellison, Harlan. The Ellison Treatment (Harlan Ellison Books Preservation Project,  2019)
ISBN: 9781946542045

Ellison, Harlan. The Ephemeral Ellison (Harlan Ellison Books Preservation Project, 2019)
ISBN: 9781946542038

Ellison, Harlan. Dimensions of Harlan Ellison (Harlan Ellison Books Preservation Project, 2019)
ISBN: 9781946542021

Ellison, Harlan. This Book Needs No Introduction by Harlan Ellison (Harlan Ellison Books Preservation Project, 2019)
ISBN: 9781946542052

Ellison, Harlan. Ellison Under Glass (Charnel House, 2020)

Ellison, Harlan. Ask Uncle Harlan: Columns & Other Architectural Features (Edgeworks Abbey, 2020)

Tallman, Patricia. Pleasure Thresholds: Patricia Tallman’s Babylon 5 Memoir — 2020 Edition (B5 Events, 2020)
ISBN: 9798610276274

Ellison, Harlan. Children of the Streets (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2020)
Hardcover ISBN: 9781946542137; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542632

Ellison, Harlan. Blood’s a Rover: The Complete Adventures of a Boy and His Dog (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2021)
Hardback ISBN: 9781946542496; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542991

Ellison, Harlan. Possibly Impossible: Early Fantasies (Edgeworks Abbey Archive,  2022)
Hardback ISBN: 9781946542472; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542977

Ellison, Harlan. Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word (Edgeworks Abbey Archive. 2022)
Hardcover ISBN: 9781946542427; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542922

Ellison, Harlan. Gentleman Junkie and other stories of the hung-up generation (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2022)
Hardback ISBN: 9781946542144; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542649

Ellison, Harlan. Love Ain’t Nothing But Sex Misspelled (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2022)
Paperback ISBN: 9781946542717

Ellison, Harlan. The Deadly Streets (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2022)
Hardback ISBN: 9781946542113; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542618

Ellison, Harlan. The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2022)
Hardback ISBN: 9781946542229; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542724

Ellison, Harlan. Approaching Oblivion: Road Signs on the Treadmill Toward Tomorrow (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2022)
Hardback ISBN: 9781946542250; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542755

Ellison, Harlan. Over the Edge: Stories from Somewhere Else (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2022)
Hardback ISBN: 9781946542236; Paperback ISBN: 9781946542731

Straczynski, J. Michael. Crusade: What the Hell Happened? Volume 2 (Synthetic Worlds, 2023)
Hardback ISBN: 9781630771331; Paperback ISBN: 9781630771348

Straczynski, J. Michael. Crusade: What the Hell Happened? Volume 3 (Synthetic Worlds, 2023)
Hardback ISBN: 9781630771324; Paperback ISBN: 9781630771287

Gimpel, Sandra. Stuntlady: Falling for the Stars (Felion Productions, Inc., 2023)
Paperback ISBN: 9798390149782

Morrissey, Glenn. The Draejon: The Sirius Ring 1 (Galisteo Studios Press, 2023) [NOTE: Editorial consultant only.]
ISBN: 9780983672432

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations — The Actors (2023 Annotated Edition), Part 1 of 3 (Publishing 180, 2023)
Hardback & Paperback ISBNs: 9781630771034

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations — The Actors (2023 Annotated Edition), Part 2 of 3 (Publishing 180, 2023)
Hardback & Paperback ISBNs: 9781630771041

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations — The Actors (2023 Annotated Edition), Part 3 of 3 (Publishing 180, 2023)
Hardback & Paperback ISBNs: 9781630771065

Nazzaro, Joe. Echoes of All Our Conversations — Group Interviews with Actors (2023 Bonus Book) (Publishing 180, 2023)
Hardback & Paperback ISBNs: 9781630771102

Books as Contributor

Falsetto, Mario (editor). Anthony Minghella: Interviews (University Press of Mississippi, 2013)
ISBN: 9781617038204

Segaloff, Nat. A Lit Fuse: The Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison, Expanded Second Edition (NESFA Press, 2022)
ISBN: 9781610373449

Selected Nonfiction

“Philosophy, Sociology & Rhetoric: The Liberal Art of Screenwriting” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 12, Number 1 (January/February 2005) pp. 20–21.

“Writing in the Fifth Dimension: Marc Scott Zicree” CS Weekly (22 April 2005).

“Bulletproofing Your One-Hour Dramatic TV Spec” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 12, Number 4 (July/August 2005) pp. 69–72.

TV Wasteland Columnist, (Weekly, 11 July 2005–4 September 2006).

“Coming Soon…ElizabethtownCreative Screenwriting, Volume 12, Number 5 (September/October 2005) pp. 30–31.

“Coming Soon…The Last King of ScotlandCreative Screenwriting, Volume 13, Number 5 (September/October 2005).

“Getting Inside The Outsiders: Kim Aubry on Recovering the Novel in Francis Ford Coppola’s Film” CS Weekly (ca. September 2005).

“The Men Behind the Mask: MirrorMask’s Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean” CS Weekly (30 September 2005).

“Wordplay: Rockne S. O’Bannon in The Twilight ZoneCS Weekly (ca. November 2005).

“A Rendezvous in a Dark Place: J. Michael Straczynski in The Twilight ZoneCS Weekly (ca. November 2005).

“What Would MacGyver Do?: Executive Story Consultant Rick Drew” CS Weekly (ca. January 2006).

“Breaking the Story: Showrunner Tim Minear on Creating a TV Episode” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 13, Number 2 (March/April 2006).

“A Director Who Writes…If He Has To: Alien Nation’s Kenneth Johnson” CS Weekly (17 March 2006).

“The Long Twilight: Carol Serling and the Rod Serling Conference” CS Weekly (21 April 2006).

“A Wednesday/Thursday Guy: Wordplay Director Patrick Creadon” CS Weekly (23 June 2006).

“An Interview With the Puzzlemaster: Wordplay’s Will Shortz” CS Weekly (30 June 2006).

“A Good Man Out of His Time: Life on Mars’s Matthew Graham” CS Weekly (11 August 2006).

“The Character of Fear: Writing the Horror Film” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 14, Number 5 (September/October 2006) pp. 66-70.

“Revisiting a Cult…Classic: The Wicker Man’s Neil LaBute” CS Weekly (1 September 2006).

“Life on The Street: The Street’s Jimmy McGovern” CS Weekly (29 September 2006).

“Bridging the Gap: J. Michael Straczynski and His Audience” CS Weekly (6 October 2006).

“Scripting the Sovereign: The Queen’s Peter Morgan” CS Weekly (13 October 2006).

“Anatomy of a Spec Sale: ChangelingCreative Screenwriting, Volume 13, Number 6 (November/December 2006)

“Facing the Day: Day Break’s Jeffrey Bell” CS Weekly (17 November 2006).

“Reconstructing a Hero: The Richard Donner Cut of Superman IICS Weekly (1 December 2006).

“Scrubbing Up: Bill Lawrence’s ‘Noble Failure’ Re-invents Sitcoms” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 14, Number 1 (January/February 2007) pp. 58–62.

“The Horror of Who: Coupling and Doctor Who’s Steven Moffat” CS Weekly (23 February 2007).

“The Heart of Who: Doctor Who’s Paul Cornell” CS Weekly (23 February 2007).

“So You Want to Direct? Advice from Screenwriters Who Moved Behind the Camera” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 14, Number 2 (March/April 2007) pp. 62–66.

“Under Starter’s Orders: Drive’s Tim Minear” CS Weekly (13 April 2007).

“Breaking In: Tom Dibble” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 14, Number 3 (May/June 2007) p. 16.

“Using His Powers for Good: Tim Kring Makes Heroes of Us All” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 14, Number 3 (May/June 2007) pp. 59–62.

“The Dramatist’s Truth: Nicholas Meyer from Sherlock Holmes to Star Trek to Philip Roth” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 14, Number 3 (May/June 2007) pp. 71–75.

“May The Force Write With You: Celebrating 30 Years of Star Wars From a Writer’s Perspective” CS Weekly (25 May 2007).

“Investigating the Cable Procedural: The Closer’s James Duff” CS Weekly (8 June 2007).

“Television Gets Made: The Legacy of The SopranosCS Weekly (15 June 2007).

“Any Medium Will Do: Glenn Gordon Caron’s Visions of Television” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 14, Number 4 (July/August 2007) pp. 66–69.

“In The Office with Greg Daniels” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 14, Number 5 (September/October 2007) pp. 60–65.

“Strikewatch: What to Watch When the TV Season Runs Dry” CS Weekly (30 November 2007).

“This Means Something, This is Important: Three Different Close Encounters of the Third KindCS Weekly (7 December 2007).

“From Electric Sheep to the Final Cut: The Evolution of Blade RunnerCS Weekly (21 December 2007).

“Genius Loci: In Bruges’s Martin McDonagh” CS Weekly (8 February 2008).

“New Frontiers & Old Enterprises: The Martian Child’s David Gerrold” CS Weekly (7 March 2008).

“Adapting Adams: John Adams’s Kirk Ellis” CS Weekly (4 April 2008).

“TV Writer Reveals Shocking Secrets!: Dirt’s Matthew Carnahan” CS Weekly (11 April 2008).

“Finding Your Inner Demon: Supernatural’s Eric Kripke” CS Weekly (9 May 2008).

“Excavating the Archaeologist: The Development of Indiana Jones” CS Weekly (23 May 2008).

“Taking Another Hit: Weeds’s Jenji Kohan” CS Weekly (20 June 2008).

“Why So Mysterious? Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz Probe the Darkness around The X-Files: I Want to BelieveCreative Screenwriting, Volume 15, Number 4 (July/August 2008) pp. 21–23. [Cover Story]

“Tune in for the ‘Truth’: Carter and Spotnitz Revisit The X-Files TV Series” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 15, Number 4 (July/August 2008) pp. 24–27.

“A Quirky Character: Monk’s Andy Breckman” CS Weekly (22 August 2008).

“How Changeling Changed Everything for J. Michael Straczynski” Creative Screenwriting, Volume 15, Number 5 (September/October 2008) pp. 16–21. [Cover Story]

“Working in TV: Beyond Cops, Doctors and Lawyers” CS Weekly (5 September 2008).

“The British Are Coming: Matt Lucas & David Walliams on Little Britain USACS Weekly (19 September 2008).

“With Respect: The Godfather From Puzo’s Page to Coppola’s Stage” CS Weekly (26 September 2008).

“Out of Time: Life on Mars’s Scott Rosenberg” CS Weekly (3 October 2008).

“Relating to Real: Good Dick’s Marianna Palka” CS Weekly (24 October 2008).

“A Life in Reverse: Eric Roth on the Curious Work of Adapting Benjamin ButtonCreative Screenwriting, Volume 15, Number 6 (November/December 2008) pp. 25–29.

“Adaptation Versus Inspiration: The Varied Cinematic Career of 007” CS Weekly (14 November 2008).

“No Time Out: 24‘s Howard Gordon” CS Weekly (21 November 2008).

“Man Versus Matheson” CS Weekly (19 December 2008).

“Crystal Method: Breaking Bad’s Vince Gilligan” CS Weekly (6 March 2009).

“This Introduction Has Been Sponsored by Geo Metro and Pinnacle Books” Rough Beasts by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbe, 2012), pp. 1–2.

“Is a Purveyor of Literary Whoredom a Publishing Pimp?” Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey, 2013).

“Typewriters & Pipe Lighters” Again, Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey, 2014).

“Whatever Happened to Delenn’s Gravity Rings?” (18 May 2016).

“HBO’s Silicon Valley Raids Babylon 5 Costumes” (28 June 2016).

Babylon 5 is Almost Eight Miles Outside Twin Peaks” (18 May 2017).

“From ‘A Boy and His Dog’ to Blood’s a Rover: Nearly Fifty Years in the Post-Apocalyptic Wastes” Blood’s a Rover by Harlan Ellison (Subterranean Press, 2018).

“From the Gutters to the Streets” Children of the Streets by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2020).

“From Rogue to KnightLove Ain’t Nothing but Sex Misspelled by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2020), pp. 275–282.

“Over the Hill: Fifty Years in the Post-Apocalyptic Wastes” [Revised and Expanded] Blood’s a Rover: The Complete Adventures of a Boy and His Dog by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2020), pp. 9–14.

“Knocking Over the Candy Store” The Deadly Streets by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2021).

“No Doors, No Windows” Gentleman Junkie and other stories of the hung-up generation by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2021).

“Whatever Happened to ‘The 90003rd Fantastic Spectacular Windi Maypole Movie?’” The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2021).

“The All New, All Different…” Over the Edge by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2021).

“No Winners” Approaching Oblivion by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2021).

“Is a Purveyor of Literary Whoredom a Publishing Pimp?” [Revised and Expanded] Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2021).

“Pebbles & Nails” Possibly Impossible by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey Archive, 2021).

“The Strange Comedy of Mister Moffat and Doctor Who” [Revised and Expanded version of “The Horror of Who: Coupling and Doctor Who’s Steven Moffat”] Humanity Is My Business on Patreon (28 November 2024).

“The Write Place with J. Michael Straczynski” Humanity Is My Business on Patreon (21 December 2024).


Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Serenity) — Screenwriting Expo 4, 2005 (NOTE: Subsequently released on DVD.)

Tony Gilroy (Michael Clayton) & William Goldman (Marathon Man, The Princess Bride) — Screenwriting Expo 5, 2006

Bill Lawrence (Scrubs) — Screenwriting Expo 6, 2007

Michael Goldenberg (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) — Screenwriting Expo 6, 2007

J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, Changeling) — Screenwriting Expo 7, 2008

Tim Kring (Heroes) — Screenwriting Expo 7, 2008


Studio Thirteen (TBS, 2002) — Creator, co-executive producer (10 30-minute episodes), writer (4 episodes)

Joss Whedon: The Master at Play (DVD, 2005) — Interviewer & Moderator

Babylon 5: Moments of Revelation (Blu-ray/DVD, 2015) — Writer, Producer, Director & Editor of a 90-minute Babylon 5 cast reunion with Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Jerry Doyle (Michael Garibaldi), and Claudia Christian (Susan Ivanova).

CNN Documents Babylon 5 (DVD, 2016) — Producer

B5 Events: The Gathering (2020) — A 4:34 live virtual event with Babylon 5 actors Mira Furlan (Delenn), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Claudia Christian (Susan Ivanova) interviewed by Jason Davis during the COVID-19 lockdown.

B5 Events: The Encounter (2020) — A 3:10 live virtual event with Babylon 5 actors Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari) and Bill Mumy (Lennier) interviewed by Jason Davis during the COVID-19 lockdown.

B5 Events: The Extravaganza (2021) — A 3:36 live virtual event with Babylon 5 crew members Marshall Adams (Gaffer), Everett Burrell (Special Effects Makeup Creator, not pictured), Matt Credle (2nd Assistant Camera), Kevin G. Cremin (Unit Production Manager/Director), Kurt Defilipps (On-Set Props), Kim M. Ferry (Hair/Makeup), John C. Flinn, III (Director of Photography/Director), Greg Funk (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Dark Hoffman (Prop Master, not pictured), Kim M. Holly (Costume Supervisor), Linda Huse (Key Costumer), John Iacovelli (Production Designer), Alan Kobayashi (Graphic Designer), Wally Sweeterman (1st Assistant Camera), Mark Walters (Art Director), Cinzia Zanetti (Key Hair) interviewed by Jason Davis with guest appearances by actors Wayne Alexander (Lorien), Claudia Christian (Susan Ivanova), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), and host Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander).

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